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IMPORTANT: Directory Usage Terms

02 Sep 2013 10:55 AM | Marie Littlejohn-Dunn (Administrator)
It has been brought to our attention twice in the past month that some individuals may be using ABI's directory inappropriately by using contact information for their own commercial purposes.  We, therefore, feel it is necessary to remind everyone of our directory usage terms.  This applies to all forms of the directory, both online and on CD.

Article 4, Section 1 of our bylaws states the following:
The administration of AramcoBrats, Inc. business is to be conducted by a Board of Directors. The scope and purpose of the Board are as follows:
  1. Maintain ABI address and email databases. To protect Brats' privacy, the Board may restrict access to information in ABI databases as needed.
  2. Full copies of ABI databases will be provided only to Board members and the Reunion Committee Chair, with their use restricted to distribution for official ABI business.
  3. Class Representatives will be provided their class list upon request.
  4. Individual Brats may request information on specific Brats for their personal noncommercial use.
  5. No ABI database may be made available to any Brat or non-Brat individual or entity for commercial purposes.
Further, on the directory page, the usage terms are very clearly stated: 
Usage Terms: The contents of this directory may not be (a) used for commercial purposes, (b) given to a third party, or (c) reproduced, in part or in full, in either electronic or paper form. Violators will have their directory privileges revoked and may be prosecuted.

We have made directory CDs available upon request again this term because a number of people said they do occasionally use them even though they are out-of-date as soon as they are published. (The directory CD contains a formatted PDF version of the online directory on a particular date.) If we determine that these are the source of violations, we will discontinue issuing.

If you have received solicitations that you suspect are in violation of these usage terms, we encourage you to contact us, so we can take appropriate action.

If you think you may be violating these terms but are not sure, please contact us. We will be happy to review the policy as it applies to your situation.  There may be other ways you can use ABI's web site or Facebook page to accomplish the same thing without violating usage terms. 

ABI's directory is made available to our supporting members for the purpose of reconnecting and networking socially, not for the purpose of soliciting fellow brats with advertisements for goods, services or investment opportunities.  Please help us preserve its purpose by respecting its usage terms and reporting violations.


  • 03 Sep 2013 12:04 AM | Deleted user
    I just received an obnoxious appeal headed Siddiqui Business Plan. Put those guys in jail!
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